Thursday, June 22, 2017

New Guidelines for FMD Control in Indian Veterinary Research Institute: Vaccinate three times in year.

प्रिय मित्रों, FMD, खुर वाले पशुओं की एक ख़तरनाक बीमारी है उसकी रोक के लिए भा. पशु चि. अनु. संस्थान ने अपनी डेरी के लिए नई गाइड लाइन्स जारी की हैं आप भी उनका लाभ लें.

New Guidelines from India's Premier Veterinary Research Institute headed by the most renowned virologist in the world.
Vaccinate your animals with FMD Oil-adjuvant Vaccine thrice in year otherwise your Farm may have an FMD outbreak like one IVRI Livestock Farm had in January 2016 (

Interesting Facts of Indian Veterinary Research Institute Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Control

Guidelines: Marvelous revelations

Dear friends, in a written statement IVRI said that it has no information on FMD control Guidelines. That is why it was not able to control the FMD outbreak that killed many many precious animals in January 2016. That is why it is called India’s Premier Veterinary Research Institute.
That is why it claims to be the authority on FMD research. That is why it issued the notification to vaccinate
all its animals thrice a year with the FMD vaccine.

In reply to, Why FMD vaccination should be three times (Photo 1) in a year?
The IVRI wrote, “—to prevent a build-up of the high level of circulating virus in susceptible animals close to disease foci”.

Now the question is “Where are the disease foci near animals of the IVRI farm, or IVRI animals are foci of FMD” Only renowned virologists of IVRI can clear the clouds.

or this recommendation of three times a year vaccination is to benefit the Company producing substandard vaccines able to protect only for 4 months instead of the companies' claim of protection for 44-48 weeks.

or IVRI do not believe in the quality of the FMD vaccine.

or IVRI knows the reality of the FMD vaccine as it is the agency to grant Veterinary Vaccine Quality Certificates to all the vaccine batches released in India.
Besides morbidity and mortality, FMD may alter the structure and profitability of any Dairy Farm by changing the Secondary sex Ratio (SSR). One of our studies indicated that FMD virus infection altered the SSR in favor of males depending on the type of the virus and breed of the animal affected.

Do the New Guidelines protect from FMD?
In a recent paper published even 4 times in a year, vaccination failed to protect animals from the occurrence of FMD Outbreaks.

In Bhilai, Chhattisgarh State (Dec 2013) in India, all cows were vaccinated regularly 4 times yearly with a commercially available inactivated FMDV-trivalent vaccine containing serotypes A, O, and Asia1. The Bhilai farm is a large commercial dairy operation at which 222 cases of FMD were detected amongst 1836 adult dairy cows over 35 days (incidence = 222/1836; 12.1%). All clinically observed FMD infections were confirmed diagnostically by viral genome detection (GD) methods including RT-LAMP and multiplex RT-PCR (mRT-PCR). (Source of Information: Ranjan R, Biswal JK, Subramaniam S, Singh KP, Stenfeldt C, Rodriguez LL, et al. (2016) Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus-Associated Abortion and Vertical Transmission following Acute Infection in Cattle under Natural Conditions. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0167163. doi:10.1371/journal.)

It is not necessary to mention which brand of vaccine was used.


  1. Due credit to Dr. B. R. Singh that IVRI is now decided to vaccinate all dairy for FMD Prevention, 3 times in a year! Relentless campaign has done something good anyway! Cheers n regards!

  2. Yes .Its a good practice to vaccinate 3 times a year to protect livestock with FMD vaccine.

    1. Vaccination causes high stress to animal which in production of every four month we have to vaccinate animal & purchase more vaccine stock from substandard product.
      It is better to have good biosecurity of stale fed animal.

  3. FMD thrice a year, HS twice, BW twice(total 4 times including booster), Anthrax once, Theileria once....
    Plz name another vaccine so dat 12 months 12 vaccine schedule will be prepared......

    1. even after four times of vaccination still not sure to prevent disease than how did you arrive to do vaccination in thrice in a year, i don't know at field level we are facing very horrible sittvation to vaccinate animals....

  4. Practically impossible in field conditions to vaccinate 100% & 3 times in a year.

  5. Practically impossible in field conditions to vaccinate 100% & 3 times in a year.
