Impact of COVID-19 Vaccination
on COVID-19 Cases and Deaths
In the present analysis of
data available for 208 countries with reference to a number of COVID-19 cases,
deaths, population, etc. ( and
vaccination ( was used to calculate the
impact of vaccination using correlation and multiple regression techniques. The
analysis of correlation was also narrowed down for the 28 countries all having
populations of ≥50 million (Tab. 1). Though there may be several variables and
confounders directly or indirectly affecting occurrence, spread, morbidity, and
mortality of COVID-191-3 a successful vaccine and vaccination
program is one which is little affected by regional or local, ethnic, and
nonethnic, host and agent variables4-6. Successful eradication and
control of several diseases including Polio, Smallpox, Rinderpest, and to some
extent FMD and Brucellosis7. However, varying stands of National and
International Health Agencies and Organizations indicated the mysteriousness8
of COVID-19 and maniac attitude of the system towards the diseases which also
affect powerful and mighty people and nations9. Further, the
Pharmacopolitical motives might have restricted scientists in understanding the
therapeutics, pathology, and control of the disease to a great extent. The
genetically modified vaccines developed through ill-tested and never before
approved technologies with the human genome, the potential of inducing several
life-threatening complications and probable mutations in germ cells with
unknown dangers have been used for mass vaccination of global population10.
Nobody knows or is not educated about the spread of disease and many false
assumptions11 have been circulated, most probably intended to
benefit a few big pharmaceuticals. Till 2019 the world health agencies were
skeptical in permitting GM food production and consumption but suddenly the
whole world has been inoculated with leaky GM vaccines with unknown efficacy
and questionable safety converting vaccinated people to become super-spreaders (
of the disease, the reasons might be known to the world health leaders.
The vaccines for protecting
from the COVID-19 in the world are leaky, i.e., they neither protect from getting
infection nor they provide enough immunity to halt virus multiplication in the
host body is associated with several vaccination-associated disorders making people
not only sick but also inducing life-threatening complications (;;;
The analysis
of online available data (1St September 2021) on vaccination in different countries and prevalence
and incidence of COVID-19 revealed that instead of reducing the incidence of
COVID-19 and mortality the vaccines in most of the countries are increasing the
disease occurrence and deaths due to it. The increasing rate of the vaccinated
population is having a positive impact on the increase in an absolute number of
COVID cases and deaths in statistically highly significant (p, ≤0.02) figures.
The level of association between vaccination percentage and increased number of
COVID cases per million and deaths per million is very strong (Tab. 2) in most
of the countries irrespective of the effect of population. However, a dilemma
is the low incidence and low mortality of the disease in China, one of the highly
vaccinated nations. In China, the vaccine used is a whole virus-killed vaccine
(Sinopharm). Are killed vaccines more effective than the vaccines developed
using modern biotechnology tools? The limited data on the simultaneous use of
different vaccines along with breakout cases and deaths in each group is highly
variable and not available in retrievable format in the public domain. In India,
three vaccines (Oxford AstraZeneca CoviShield, Covaxin, and Sputnik-V) have been
used at different levels of vaccination in different states and Union
territories ( The data analysis (Tab. 3)
revealed that more use of Covaxin (a killed vaccine similar to that of
Sinopharm used in China) was associated with decreased incidence of cases and
deaths while the use of CoviShield was associated with an increased incidence of cases
and deaths in the respective state.
The analysis suggested that except for the killed vaccines, the use of COVID-19
vaccines is not only associated with adverse vaccine reactions but also with a significant increase in COVID-19 incidence and deaths due to COVID-19 in August
2021. The analysis may be criticized because of not excluding so many other
confounders affecting the outcome of vaccination, but the vaccines, efficacy of
which is affected with confounders, are almost useless and go to the dust with
time or remain as useful as Flu-Shots, only with limited and local use. Thus,
there is an urgent need for research in therapeutics and also towards the development of more effective vaccines. Though personally, I am skeptical of the
vaccine efficacy due to inherent short-lived immunity after vaccination as well
as after natural infection.
The analysis further shattered the hopes from much-expected
Herd-Immunity (>70% vaccination), as even after achieving the magic figure
and much more, emerging mutants (as Delta and Mu; either under the effect of
partial vaccination or global presence of the disease have evaded all kinds of
immunity faultily measured by antibody response.

Indian Data: Is #COVID-19 Vaccination (16th September 2021) increasing the risk of faster spread of COVID-19? Data analysis from different Indian states indicated that more Covid-19 vaccination is associated with an increased number of cases and an increased number of deaths per million people by Covid-19. Though CFR in the most (>20%) fully vaccinated states in India in August-September 2021 is less than in the least (<8% fully) vaccinated states, total Covid-19 cases & deaths were 2.9 & 1.8 times higher in more vaccinated states than in less vaccinated states, i.e., Covid-19 vaccination is increasing the risk of spread of COVID-19. How is it possible? Probably vaccinated people are getting careless and the leaky vaccine making them infected without symptoms and they are acting as super-spreaders of diseases or Covid-19 vaccine is assisting the SARSCOV-2 virus in an undefined way to cause more disease.
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