Thursday, April 4, 2024

Recent advances in Science at ICAR-IVRI

 Recent advances in Science at ICAR-IVRI

A fit case to explain the utility of reducing research funding

A case study at the Indian Veterinary Research Institute based on the official data explicitly revealed that

More funds = more wastage of funds = decreased sincerity among scientists

This means we work better in scarcity and -----.

This case study justified why the Government of India must reduce the Research Funding.

Shrinking Research Budget in ICAR-IVRI: In the last 10 years, the research budget of ICAR-IVRI (the premier veterinary research institute) shrank to just Rs. 11.31 crores (in 2023-24) from Rs. 19.83 crores in the year 2013-14. If we calculate the inflation which is about 65% in the last 10 years then the actual budget has remained at about 25% of that which was 10 years ago (The data of budget of ICAR-IVRI revealed by the Director of ICAR-IVRI in RAC meeting on 21st March 2024). With this pace, India is certain to become the Vishwa Guru.

Impact of Reduction in Research Funding: Surprisingly with a reduction in research funding over the year, 
1.Revenue generated in the Institute increased
2. Impact of the research publications increased

This case is from a National Research Institute (ICAR-IVRI) clearly indicating that the availability of large funds decreases the efficiency of the Institute.

What does it mean: More funds = more wastage of funds = decreased sincerity among scientists
Conclusion: Scientists in India are either not honest or wasteful or do fraudulent research or something else.
More Achievements
   The presentation of the Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis (CARD) revealed that among the vaccine-preventable diseases of animals FMD, LSD, PPR, CD and Canine Parvovirus diseases were of the common occurrence. 

 Vaccine passing in ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar: On 23rd January 2024 in the IRC Meeting at ICAR-IVRI Izatnagar,  Bareilly, Dr. P Dhar, Head of the Standardization Division (the department responsible for certifying the vaccine and other veterinary biologicals) stated that to test the Quality of vaccines they don’t have the required essential facilities like standard challenge strains of bacteria, and viruses, but are forced to pass the vaccines. It is to be noted that in 2023 only they passed >550 batches of different vaccines. Is it not treachery to the Nation and livestock farmers of India? 

Everyone concerned knows the truth but takes no action,   why?
In the same meeting Dr. Dandapat, head of the Bacteriology and Mycology Division claimed the development of CCPP vaccine for caprine contagious pleuropneumonia in goats and revealed that there is no isolate of CCPP causal organism Mycoplasma capricolum subspecies capripneumoniae (Mcc), from India and they prepared the vaccine from a reference strain. The question is when the disease has never been identified in India why has the vaccine been made, to waste funds, to bluff the administration and the council to take credit, or to have disease in India?

Cow urine is Amrit (Nector/ Elixer of Life): Cow urine is nector/ elixer of life that Amrit has been claimed by the Director ICAR-IVRI, Izatngar along with eight scientists working on Gaumutra (cow urine). &

Friday, February 23, 2024

The FMD Menace in India!

The FMD Menace in India!

There are loads of FMD outbreaks ongoing in animals. Why?

A new strain of the virus? No. Not yet reported.
Vaccine quality? Good. All batches are declared to have standard quality by the premier Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) after testing in a non-NABL accredited laboratory.
Vaccination? Veterinarians and Farmers need to be hanged it may be their fault only.

How does the corruption in FMD Vaccines keep on going?
1. After an outbreak of FMD, there is no FMD for about 2.5 years and vaccines used are then of low quality or of no standard quality.
2. Vaccine quality control is not practiced at the producers' end.
3. Vaccine quality monitors (only in the Government sector) have none, or insufficient facilities to test vaccines but are pressured to pass the batches in time. In the only National Veterinary Vaccine Testing Institute (ICAR-IVRI) there is not a single NABL-accreditated Laboratory that passes thousands of vaccine batches year after year and CDSCO approves the testing in the facility. What a mockery with Livestock owners?
4. Vaccine quality control authorities have an inherent tendency to become corrupt as we all, most Indians. In the institute research review committee (IRC) discussion (on 01-03-2024) of results of an experiment conducted at the Bengaluru campus of IVRI revealed that the animal having the FMD virus VNT titers 64 succumbed to the FMD challenge, the question is why are we passing the FMD vaccine if they induce VNT titer of just 45 or more? Is there not an urgent need to change the criteria for declaration of FMD vaccine effective?
5. There are no criminal proceedings against substandard vaccine producers.
6. They blame farmers all the time for no-on-time vaccination but sit silent when FMD outbreaks occur on Government farms.
7. The government has never punished directors and animal farm incharges if there is FMD nor take any action against vaccine providers.
8. Blame-game overpowering all the scientific facts all the time.
9. Those who try to speak about poor vaccine quality and poor vaccination are booked to fight by leveling N number of irrelevant charges.
10. Farmers and their animals are not a big concern to the administration.
11. In 2019, when many batches of FMD vaccines were declared substandard, then it was recommended that the Standard for qualifying a vaccine batch of good quality, should induce more than or equal to 64 virus neutralization titer in the serum of 75% of animals vaccinated with the vaccine is too high, and the standard was lowered without any experimentation to just 45 to qualify for a good quality vaccine. Why and how it was done, at whose instigation, and for what cost may be a matter of investigation. The recent experiments at ICAR-IVRI Bengaluru revealed that even VNT (SNT) titers of 64 were not protective.
12. It is a fact that for viral infections antibodies (humoral immunity) are not solely protective for viral infections, cell-mediated immunity (CMI) may be a better criterion and there may not be any replacement for vaccine efficacy using animal tests (protection from the challenge). It seems that QC scientists and advisors act for pharmaceuticals, neither for the nation nor for livestock health.

This is the year for the declaration of the Nation free of FMD with vaccination as per NAD-CP declaration in 2019 using >13000 crore rupees and FMD incidences are saying that it was a Jumla as many others to engulf the national wealth. 

चंडीगढ़ के छतबीड़ चिड़ियाघर में मुंह-पका बीमारी फैली:* आधा जू सैलानियों के लिए बंद; हिरण सफारी में नहीं दी जा रही एंट्री 
 FMD in Punjab
1) Vill. Khaira in district Faridkot
2) Vill. Khiala in Mansa
3) Vill. Bhai ka in Bathinda
4) Vill. Sangatpura in Ropar

आप अपनी दवाई किसी अन्य खाद्य पदार्थ के साथ मिलाकर खा रहे हो उस खाद्य पदार्थ का आपकी दवाई पर क्या असर होगा?


आप अपनी दवाई किसी अन्य खाद्य पदार्थ के साथ मिलाकर खा रहे हो उस खाद्य पदार्थ का आपकी दवाई पर क्या असर होगा?

इनफेक्शियस डिसीसिस रिसर्च जर्नल में 20 फरवरी 2024 को  में प्रकाशित अध्ययन (इसी दिशा में एक कुछ संकेत होते हैं , अक्सर पशुओं को और बच्चों को कड़वी दवाएं दूसरे खाने पीने की चीजों के साथ मिला कर दी जाती हैं परंतु कोई नहीं जानता कि उनका प्रभाव ऐसा करने से घटता है, या बढ़ता है,  या वैसा ही रहता है. इस बारे में अभी बहुत कम जानकारी है, इस शोध में जीवाणुओं को समाप्त करने में सक्षम तीन हर्बल तेल (दालचीनी, अजवाइन और थाइम) जिन्हें आप सीधे प्रयोग में नहीं ले सकते उन पर अध्ययन किया गया है क्योंकि वे बहुत जलन पैदा करते हैं और उन्हें अक्सर दूसरे तेलों के साथ मिलाकर प्रयोग करने की सलाह दी जाती है, इस शोध में पता लगता है कि जलन को कम करने वाले कई तेल इन जीवाणु नाशक तेलों का असर भी बहुत हद तक खत्म कर देते हैं और उनकी उपयोगिता संदिग्ध हो जाती है

     गाय-भैंस में अफारा, डायरिया व त्वचा संबंधित जीवाणु जनित बीमारी के इलाज में अक्सर जीवाणु नाशक अजवाइन और दालचीनी का तेल या उसका चूरन खिलाने की पशु चिकित्सक सलाह देते हैं परंतु यह तेल या चूर्ण किसी और खाद्य पदार्थ या खाद्य तेलों में मिलाकर ही दिए जा सकते हैं क्योंकि उनके सीधे प्रयोग से जलन पैदा हो जाती है। परंतु इन जीवाणु नाशक तेलों को पशुओं को किस तेल में मिलाकर देना चाहिए, इसको लेकर अभी तक कोई अध्ययन नहीं किया गया है अभी हाल ही के कुछ वर्षों में, भारतीय पशु चिकित्सा अनुसंधान संस्थान के वैज्ञानिकों की ओर से इसके लिए एक अध्ययन किया गया। अध्ययन टीम ने बताया कि दालचीनी, अजवाइन व थाइम के तेल जिन्हें बहुत अच्छा जीवाणु नाशक माना जाता है, इन तेलों तेलों में रोग कारक जीवाणुओं को समाप्त करने की सबसे ज़्यादा क्षमता पाई गई यहां तक की बहुत से एंटीबायोटिक भी जीवाणु नाशक के तौर पर इनका मुकाबला नहीं रखते। उन्होंने बताया कि बाजार में मिलने वाले मरहम अक्सर सॉफ्ट पैराफ़ीन में बनाए जाते है, और पशुपालक घर में उपलब्ध किसी भी तेल में मिलाकर इनका उपयोग पशुओं के लिए करते हैं। इसके लिए टीम की ओर से घर में इस्तेमाल होने वाले खाद्य तेलों मे इन जीवाणु नाशक तेलों को मिलाकरक यह अध्ययन इसलिए किया गया जिससे पता चल सके की कौन से तेल में मिलाकर प्रयोग करने से यह जीवाणु नाशक तेल सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावि रहते हैं। इस अध्ययन में जैतून, सरसों, लिक्विड पैराफ़ीन, ग्लिसरीन, सूरजमुखी, राइस ब्रान पाम, मूँगफली, तिल, अवाकाडो, जोजोबा, अरंडी, अलसी, सोयाबीन के तेलों पर अध्ययन किया गया। इस अध्ययन में यह पाया गया कि जैतून के तेल या ग्लिसरीन के साथ जीवाणु नाशक अजवाइन, और थाइम के तेल अगर मिलाकर प्रयोग किए जाएं तब ही प्रभावी रहते हैं दूसरे खाद्य तेलों में या पैराफिन में मिलाकर देने पर इनका जीवाणु नाशक गुण लगभग समाप्त हो जाता है या फिर बहुत कम रह जाता है । परन्तु दालचीनी के तेल को खाद्य तेलों के साथ मिलाने पर उसका जीवाणुनाशक गन समाप्त तो नहीं होता परन्तु काफी कम हो जाता है । 
 This study helps to understand the effect of carrier oils and other diluents on the antimicrobial action of Essential oils Excipient effect on the antimicrobial activity of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zelylanicum album) oil, Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) oil and Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) oil.
Most essential oils, many other irritant medicines, and potent medicines are usually given after diluting in blended edible oils or other vehicles, this study indicated that the outcome may be altogether different with the use of different diluents.