Friday, March 27, 2020

Where is WHO and where are Global leaders to think about the reality of COVID-19?

Where is WHO and where are Global leaders to think about the reality of COVID-19?
Is total Lockdown a wise way to control COVID-19
Social distancing may be economically more detrimental to control COVID-19 or any disease with high contagiousness and low severity.
"If a disease is very highly infectious, social distancing may have no effect or may require an unfeasibly high degree of caution in order to be effective. In these cases, doing nothing will be a more cost-effective strategy than using social distancing, because the worst-case outcome arises if the control is applied, but the level of caution used is too weak."
( )

COVID-19 is at the most can be classified as a disease of moderate severity and--
"For moderate severity diseases, however, it became most cost-effective to implement no intervention and allow the disease to run its course".

What is the way out of COVID19 Emergency?
Epidemiologically the only successful policy of TTTI (Trace, Test, Treat and Isolate) may help to win over COVID-19. Controlling COVID19 through Lockdown is going to be a serious mistake for many of the democratic countries (under current circumstances of chaos and uneducated democratic settings) and we have to pay dearly (socioeconomically). Though time is out for Europe and the US but for some countries like India time is still there to adopt TTTI. Isolate the susceptible for serious disease outcome (aged, with an underlying disease, immune disorders, pregnants) and isolate the exposed and treated too.

Is COVID-19 a real natural or created outbreak? Is it a disease or a tactic to make you a beggar? Is it a real disease or a disease of diagnosis?
Tuberculosis (TB) is curable and preventable but in India alone there are 130,000 TB cases not treatable due to total drug resistance. There is also no vaccine which can prevent infection of TB. Tuberculosis also spread through contact, coughs and is a highly contagious zoonosis affecting a large number of animals too. The TB patient keeps on spreading disease for an indefinite time or his or her lifelong. Tuberculosis, a disease of poor and poverty, kills 1.5 million people worldwide and TB is one of the top 10 causes of death and the leading cause of death due to a single infectious agent. In 2018, an estimated 10 million people fell ill with tuberculosis (TB) worldwide including 5.7 million men, 3.2 million women and 1.1 million children ( Every year almost 6.4 million new TB cases are recorded. ( In India, every year 440,000 i.e., 1205 people daily (more than 50 per hour) die due to TB (, a dangerous zoonotic and communicable contagious disease, but nobody cares and brings India to halt or lockdown. Rather, every day millions of TB patients travel across the country, some times on concessional tickets, in public transport in India since ages distributing the disease with dignity and proud but nobody cares. 
In India, every year more than 230,000 people i.e., 630 daily (more than 26 per hour) commit suicide due to one or other reason (, but no one cared. No one thinks why they die. Among those suicide, more than 75% are young people (future of India). There is no vaccine and no treatment for suicide also. Without being contagious, suicide is one of the biggest killers. Why the WHO and governments fail to prevent it.
Again in India, roughly around 17 accident-related deaths occur across India every hour i.e., 150,000 per year ( but we never cared, why? Why our roads are more prone to accidents, why we don’t have enough cops to make people obey rules.
COVID-19 in last three months killed about 24000 people i.e., 11 per hour, it has no vaccine and drug and it is also a fact that diagnosis is only having 65% positive predictive value i.e., if you are sick with flu-like sickness and diagnosed positive for COVID-19 there are only 65% chances that you really have the disease ( In an active screening done on isolation/ quarantine centres the positive predictive value is reported less than 20% ( that is there are 80% chances that you may be declared false positive without having the disease. Why and Why are we worried so much about COVID-19 which may infect hardly 1% people (13,00,000 in India) to have symptoms and less than 0.1% need hospitalization (130,000) and of which 10% (i.e., 13000) may die and out of those dying, more than 90% will be of more than 60 years of age, mostly non-productive and already sick with one or other disease. For those 13000 aged and a non-productive and already diseased lot, we are ready to kill our economy making millions of people to commit suicide and many millions to die of hunger in the coming months. Why and on what ground? Or we are working for someone else interested in declaring a million people positive while in the true sense only 200K is positive for rarely lethal infection to keep us all idle and non-productive in lockdown for an indefinite time, may be stretched to several months, so that after a few months we can stand in the line of beggars.

Are WHO and Bill Gates Game changer or Game Players or Villains of COVID 19?
WHO offered a bribe to poison COVID-19 patients in Madagascar, and Bill Gates tried to bribe in Nigeria to get his vaccine used in whole Nigeria.

WHO lied again, said BCG had no effect on COVID ( As on 14 April 2020, Countries Non-mandated BCG vaccination have 162.5 times more odds (CI, 20.70-1275.75, p, 0.01) of having COVID-19 >500 cases/Million than countries mandating BCG vaccination & Countries Non-mandated BCG vaccination have 23.2 times more odds (CI, 4.46-120.71, p, 0.01) of having >50 deaths by COVID-19/Million people than countries mandating BCG vaccination.

Who is making WHO to make false statements in the context of COVID-19 since the very first day of this Pandemic?

WHO praised Sweden for better COVID-19 management, the only country having the highest (72.53%) case fatality rate than the recovery rate in the world. What message does WHO wants to give? Let the world suicide!!!

WHO ने स्वीडन की कोविद-१९ को मैनेज करने के लिए तारीफ की है, जिसमें कोविद-१९ से मरने वालों की दर दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा है (72.53%) WHO दुनिया को किस राह पर ले जाना चाहता है? क्या ये दुनिया वाले आत्महत्या कर लें? कौन है सच्चा कौन है झूठा यहाँ हर चेहरे पे नकाब है ये दुनिया बड़ी खराब है।

किसी चीज से डरो या मत डरो कोविड-19 से जरूर डरो
कोरोना से इटली का बहुत बुरा हाल हुआ, हर 2000 लोगों में से 3 लोग बीमार पड़ गए और जो बीमार पड़ गए उनमें से कुछ स्वर्ग धाम सिधार गए जो स्वर्ग गए उनमें से 98% से ज्यादा 65 साल से ऊपर के थे
दोस्तों COVID19 बीमारी बहुत खतरनाक है किसी को नहीं छोड़ेगी घर के अंदर ही रहना वरना सारे मारे जाओगे.
जान है तो जहान है जिंदा रहे तो भीख मांग कर भी पेट भर लोगे, गुलामी कर लोगे, दिल्ली से बिहार की पैदल यात्रा कर लोगे, और भी जाने क्या-क्या, मर गए तो क्या कर लोगे.
यह बात अलग है कि देश में 60 साल की उम्र के पार के 50 लोग हर घंटे खांसते हुए टीबी की बीमारी से जान दे देते हैं और कहावत है जिसे टीबी हो गई उसे अपने साथ लेकर ही जाती है परंतु कोविड-19 की खांसी का कोई इलाज नहीं है हो गई तो 100 में से दो-तीन की जान तो गई तो भाई किसी चीज से डरो या मत डरो कोविड-19 से जरूर डरो और घर में ही रहो.
आनंद विहार बस अड्डे पर लाखों की संख्या में भी रहोगे तो कोविड-19 भीड़ देख कर भाग जाएगा और अगर काम पर गए तो रास्ते में ही पकड़ कर खा जाएगा.
डरो भाइयों और बहनों कोविड-19 से जरूर डरो

#COVID19, #COVID #Epidemic #Pandemic #Economy

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