Tuesday, May 12, 2020

About Vizag Gas leak Tragedy: Everything is possible to save rich and mighty in India at the cost of poor people of India

About Vizag Gas leak Tragedy
Everything is possible to save rich and mighty in India at the cost of poor people of India

I doubt that the cause of the Vizag tragedy was due to styrene gas leak. Most probably it is a planted idea to save the responsible company in future when the case will go to the court. My assumptions are based on the following facts.
1. People were falling unconscious without smelling any odour while the normal human nose can smell this gas at 50ppm level in the air but none of the reports said that it was smelled by anyone. The gas causes even mild toxicity on long term exposure of >300ppm in air. To cause such severe toxicity that is death on exposure the gas concentration is required to be 10000 ppm, and at 60 degrees C even under saturation level gas can reach only about 8000 ppm (that is in the closed chamber). That lethal concentration is almost impossible to reach in an open-air environment.
2. Styrene is neither gas nor volatile because its boiling temperature is 145 degrees centigrade. The styrene gives out irritating or toxic fumes (or gases) in a fire only. It is reported as a gas leak, not fire blast, that means it was not the cause.
3. Styrene is 3.6 times heavier than air and rapidly settle down, not spread at height more than 3 ft, but in nearby village and area, people fell which walking, animals died when standing.
4. As you can smell styrene as irritating toxic fumes and get suffocated you will struggle before you succumb to the styrene poisoning but in none of the cases shown on TV or in media, any struggle was evident even in animals.
This all shreds of evidence create doubt about the investigation and the case is made weak to be fought in the Court.
Everything is possible to save rich and mighty in India.
News about Styrene gas leak tragedy
1. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/health/vizag-gas-leak-styrene-levels-2-500-times-more-on-may-8-cse-analysis-71020
2. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/styrene-gas-leak-survivors-will-have-to-wait-some-more-days-to-return-home/story-gehQWN1jGe1JUyC1ajrxVO.html
3. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/vizag-gas-leak-andhra-govt-to-send-back-styrene-stock-to-s-korea-6405294/
4. https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/vizag-gas-leak-what-styrene-is-for-and-how-it-behaves-6399198/
5. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/all-you-need-to-know-about-styrene-the-gas-that-leaked-in-vizag/gas-leak/slideshow/75622534.cms
6. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/vizag-gas-leak-what-is-styrene-and-how-it-can-kill-if-inhaled/story-6BiXy6jk6y2q3h7eddZKlO.html
7. https://www.livemint.com/news/india/lg-polymers-admits-leaking-vapor-from-gas-storage-tank-caused-vizag-tragedy-11589009346537.html

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